New Norm Brings Distractions & Opportunities
Working from home has become the new normal during the COVID-19 outbreak. While that 30 second commute from the bedroom to the office is the thing that dreams are made of for people used to driving an hour or more for work, it quickly becomes clear that working from home comes with its own set of very unique distractions.
The distraction we are going to focus on today is our pets. While the unconditional love of a dog is maybe more important now than it has ever been before as people struggle with loss of human contact and the issues of isolation, they are also kind of a pain in the butt when you are trying to get your work for the day done.
Here are a few good ideas for you to follow:
Healthy treats
Even though most people are eating way too much while under quarantine, there is no reason for your dog to follow you down the path of chips and salsa every 15 minutes. Treats – and healthy treats at that – are a good way to train your dog to give you space while you work. It might take a couple of days to get the message through, but this will be a great way to clear your workspace of your furry friend.
There is a streaming site out there called DogTV that is currently offering a free trial during this pandemic. The channel offers videos that are grouped into categories that include stimulating and relaxation for your dog. Add in some how-to videos for the owner and you have a channel that could prove to be very useful when a project needs to be done but Fido needs some attention.
Creative walking
This is going to depend on the level of lockdown in your area but every owner knows that walking their dog is still a priority at this point. If leaving the house has been shut down then the obvious answer is the back yard. Maybe it’s possible to take the office outside for 30 minutes a day and complete some lower priority tasks while throwing a ball and playing fetch. If that really isn’t possible then consider investing in one of those machines that plays auto fetch. Maybe the investment in that will be worth the extra productivity it allows over the course of the next month or so.
Love on them hard
This is the most important advice of all right now: With the amount of stress most humans are feeling, it’s more important than ever to have your dog napping next to you for you to love on. Sending silly photos and videos of you and your dog to friends is still a way to feel connected with the outside world too, allowing your pet to become a vital member in your own life due to the interaction that he or she provides. Use this time to grow the bond between you and your dog and take that with you into the future.
Article by Vital Guidance