Technology Expands The Way Estate Planning Is Done
/in Estate Planning /by Carnell MooreWe have written before on this website that estate planning shouldn’t be something that is ranked as optional. That has been true for decades, but with a pandemic on our hands worldwide – and specifically in the United States – it should come as no surprise that there has been an uptick in people looking […]
Starting Real Estate Planning & Wealth Management
/in Estate Planning /by Carnell MooreIn fact, nearly everyone does. Your estate is comprised of everything you own— your car, home, other real estate, checking and savings accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture, personal possessions. No matter how large or how modest, everyone has an estate and something in common—you can’t take it with you when you die. When that happens—and […]
Three Estate Planning Myths To Avoid
/in Estate Planning /by Carnell MooreEstate planning isn’t the easiest thing to talk or think about. No one wants to have to view their own mortality through the lens of their possessions, but it is something that we should all do in order to make the transition of our estates simpler for those grieving when the time comes. There are […]