Vital Guidance: A Life Management Company

Our community foundation and charitable efforts also focus on relationships, health, and finance. Please read about our three focus areas and donate to the one that’s most important to you.  We can also create a personal charitable fund just for you to help others.  Give us a call at 813-679-5624.

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People with money have problems, and people with no money have problems. The biggest difference is one group can afford help while others deal with even more pressure of how to get help from licensed professionals. Support our mission to provide vital guidance to individuals who need self or relationship help by providing discounted or free access to professionals.

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Our Animal Care Fund supports the only doctors educated to protect the health of both animals and people – veterinarians. We help them provide vital guidance to financially challenged communities and reservations throughout the United States and abroad. Support our mission to educate animal lovers about the care of their pets and farm animals with a donation.

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Because we all are different, we will handle our finances differently. However, there are some basic things that everyone should know about finances. Our financial literacy fund supports teaching those basic skills in classrooms and communities so that everyone can enjoy spending some, saving some, and giving some away to help others live a better life.

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